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Magazine Cover

For the magazine cover, I first had to search up a magazine cover online inorder to get an idea of how to do one. I didn't really know what to do so I just copied the way the title looked off of one magazine cover. Then I opened a blank canvas on photoshop and started to work on my magazine. I used the photos from the green screen assignment to use in this assinment. I cropped out the people in photoshop and then pasted them onto the blank canvas. I then placed them around the way I wanted them to do. After that I decided to change the background color and I used the gradient tool to do it. After this I used the text tool to write down fake artcles and a fake cover story. The I went on the internet and looked up different bar codes. After this I copied and pasted the bar code onto the magazine. This was the final result. It wan't very creative, but it is something.

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